Which Is The Largest Mutual Fund: Frequently Asked Questions About Mutual Fund

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Which is the largest mutual fund: In today’s article, we will know what is a mutual fund. A mutual fund is a market-related investment. This investment can be quite risky because here the chances of losing your money are very high. But the best advantage of mutual funds is that you can quickly double your money.

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If you invest your money in a good and trusted mutual fund company, the risk to your money is reduced. As you know, money is invested in different companies to reduce the risk in mutual funds. Due to this, the risk of losing money in it is less as compared to the stock market.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mutual Fund

Frequently Asked Questions About Mutual Fund

Q1. What is a mutual fund?

In mutual funds, your money is invested in trusted and high-return giving stock companies. Here a lot of money is invested simultaneously in different stocks, due to which the risk of losing money is greatly reduced. Along with this, your money is invested in mutual funds by an experienced person, and your entire money is not invested in a single stock, it is invested in different stocks.

Q2. What is the purpose of a mutual fund?

Mutual funds try to give higher returns to your money at lower risk. While investing money in different stocks in mutual funds, it is kept in mind that the money should be invested in such a way that it can get good returns with minimum loss. Mutual funds provide the facility to get investment benefits by investing less money even in high-cost investment instruments.

Q3. How much return do you get in mutual funds?

There is no fixed rate of return in mutual funds but I can say with an estimate that in the last 3 years, this fund has given a return of 45.74 percent on an annual basis. It has given a return of 210 percent on a net basis and along with this it has given an annual return of 30.54 percent to the investors. If we talk about its average return then it is around 55 percent.

Q4. What are the disadvantages of mutual funds?

As you know, whatever has its advantages also has its disadvantages, similarly, there are some disadvantages of mutual funds like here there is no guarantee of returns, along with this, there are good returns in the long run, only here you can make good money. You can earn when your investment cost is good. Along with this, there can be many other disadvantages as well.

Q5. What are the benefits of investing money in mutual funds?

There are many benefits of investing money in mutual funds like the risk in mutual funds is much less as compared to the stock market. Along with this, your money is invested by an expert in buying shares of different companies. Due to this, the risk is reduced. Along with this, shares of big companies are bought with your money in mutual funds which have given high returns. You get good money from this.

Q6. How does a mutual fund work?

Many investors invest money in mutual funds. After this, an official of the mutual fund invests this money in buying different shares and buy shares of good and big companies. To reduce the risk, the expert buys shares of different companies. So that maximum returns can be obtained while the risk can be managed.

Q7. By whom are mutual funds managed?

Mutual funds are managed by AMC asset management companies. Each AMC usually has several mutual fund schemes.

Q8. What is a debt mutual fund?

Investing in such tools whose returns are fixed, we call them debt mutual funds. Their returns are higher than savings accounts. There is absolutely no possibility of losing money here because here the amount of your return is fixed. Along with this, this money is invested in such places. Where the risk is very low and the returns are very low.

Q9. Does money get lost in mutual funds?

Yes, there is a possibility of losing money in mutual funds, but this does not always happen. Mutual funds are much safer than the stock market because here the chances of losing money are very low. Your money is invested in good stocks by experts. To reduce the risk, money is invested in different stocks but still, sometimes the money is lost.

Q10. Which is the largest mutual fund?

The largest mutual fund is the UTI Unit Trust of India. This is one of the largest mutual funds in India. Unit Trust of India Mutual Fund was established in 1963.

Q11. In how many days does money double in mutual funds?

It takes about 4 to 5 years for the money to double in mutual funds, but sometimes this time is more and sometimes the money doubles in 3 years or even 2 years, so there is no fixed return for it. Not there. Doubling of money depends on how much return you have invested in the mutual fund. But sometimes your entire money gets lost in mutual funds.

Q12. How to invest money in mutual funds?

Money can be invested in mutual funds in two ways: first, you invest money in any fund together, and second, you invest money through SIP. Through SIP you invest money every month.

Q13. What is the minimum amount that can be invested in mutual funds?

If you want to invest money in mutual funds, then you can invest up to ₹ 500 per month in mutual funds through SIP. But if you want to invest money once, then for this you will have to select a minimum amount of 5000. You can invest up to Rs 5000 at a time in mutual funds.

Q14. Is there any tax on Mutual Funds?

A 10% tax is imposed on ₹ 100000 on mutual funds. Now for example, if you have invested ₹ 100000 in a mutual fund and later when you deposit ₹ 100000, you will have to pay tax at the rate of 10%.

Friends, in today’s article we have shared with you some questions and answers (FAQ) regarding Frequently Asked Questions About Mutual Fund which will prove to be very helpful for you.

You will be able to get more such articles from this website. Here we share various types of information through FAQ. Due to which it becomes very easy to understand anything.

If you have any other question, you can tell us in the comment section, we will try to add them to the next article. Thank you very much for visiting this website. Have a Nice Day.

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